Saturday, March 17, 2012

Spring Weather!!

Yeah Spring Weather!  Get us outside!

We finally got to use the double wagon with two kids in it!  Not just Hannah laying down in it :)  I tried to get a picture of the two kids and the two dogs, but it's hard enough to get the kids looking the same way, let alone dogs too. 

And this was Addie having a snack.  Apparently Hannah, Bailey, and Foster were also hoping to have some.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Terrible Two's

I think the Terrible Two's came on full speed ahead in the last two weeks.  Apparently Hannah's favorite word is 'NO' and she knows everything. 

This has been causing very good times at home and school.  I actually wanted to cry when I picked Hannah up from school this week.  It's the first time I picked her up and heard that she was bad.  Like she spent time in Addie's baby room because she wouldn't behave.  Awesome. 

I was also told that she wasn't the only one.  It was her and another friend that she's been in school with since 5 months old.  I don't know if that makes it better or worse that she's not alone in the trouble making :). 

Hopefully with a lot of talking and making sure we are giving a lot of positive reinforcement this won't last until she's 3 :). 

Keep your fingers crossed!

Rabbit in the Grill

Way back on Halloween weekend we had a huge snow storm.  Also during that weekend, Mommy and Daddy had a wedding to attend so Nonna and Papa John watched Hannah and Addison.  When we came home, we were told that they saw a mouse in our garage. 

Fast forward to March, and we have still never seen this mouse or anything that would indicate a mouse.

This past weekend we have had gorgeous spring weather and Daddy goes to take the grill out.  Right before he lights it, he notices that there is red string hanging from the grill.  Open it up and there's a little mouse staring up at us.  Daddy wheels the grill out of the garage and not knowing what to do with the mouse, just leaves the grill out for a couple hours.  At night (now that it's around 30 degrees again) the mouse is still in the grill.  Daddy felt bad for the mouse, so he wheeled the grill and the mouse back into the garage. 

Round two of cleaning it out:  Daddy opens the grill and asks me if we should keep the mouse for Hannah.  Now here is someone that didn't want to try to save Hannah's pet fish, but he would save a random mouse and give it to Hannah.  (as a side note, the fish is alive and well :)). 

Both times we checked out the mouse, Hannah has seen it as well. 

Tonight we had grilled chicken for dinner (and yes the grill was taken apart, scrubbed, and then went through the dishwasher).  Hannah asked if we still had a rabbit in the grill.  Close enough. 

Monday, March 5, 2012

A growing girl

Addie is getting to be such a BIG girl. 

She looks like she is going to be walking soon.  Yikes!  She'll stand and take a little shuffle towards you and then a little more shuffle with the other foot :).  Hannah thinks it hysterical to keep her hands out to help Addie walk towards her. 

Addie has also taken up tub belly flopping.  She LOVES it.  The only problem is that the girls always get baths together; which means that Addie is belly flopping across Hannah's legs and everyone's squealing and water is splashing.  It's one big party! 

Maybe I should start giving them separate baths until a certain someone learns how to sit in the tub.

Anatomy 101

We had two anatomy lessons in one day last week.  While getting ready for school, Hannah asked why she didn't have a hole in her belly.  She then pointed out that Daddy and Mommy have holes and she doesn't.  I was explaining that Mommy and Daddy had 'innie' belly buttons and her and Addie had 'outie' belly buttons.  This led to Hannh wanting to check out everyone's belly buttons.  After careful examination, she said that she wanted a big hole in her belly like Daddy :). 

About a half hour later we are in the car and Hannah yells that I missed part of her finger.  To which, obviously, I asked her what she was talking about.  Hannah told me that I forgot to cut her toe nail off of her finger :).