Friday, February 17, 2012

Valentine's Day

Hannah was really into Valentine's day this year.  Before the BIG day, we cut out hearts and painted in pink, red, and purple on poster board.  It is going to be hung up in her room. 

Valentine's Day morning was a little hectic.   The night before we made her Valentine's day bags for her classmates.  Hannah's part was to color the little cut out hearts for each of the bags.  All she really did instead was ask where her cookies were. 

So that morning she was dressed in all pink and red and got to bring in a special stuffed animal for Show & Tell.  We put Addie in pink pants and a white turtleneck with little hearts all over. 

That night, Hannah got her first lollipop.  We waited a long time to give her any candy.  We just don't have a lot of candy in our house and she never really missed it, so it wasn't a big deal.  But she loved that lollipop.  She licked most of it on Wednesday night and then it went into the fridge and she finished it on Thursday night. 

Addie starts her new classroom on Monday!  Yeah!  She's moving up to the 'movers' room.  Addie is doing great with pulling herself up and now she's using the toys and walking around pretty steadily :).  I took a video of her moving.  Then I had to video Hannah saying the Pledge of Allegiance because she wanted to be on camera too. 


I can't wait for Spring!!  This mid-mild winter is just making it difficult to wait for Spring to actually get here.  My goal is to try to get Hannah into swimming lessons early spring.  I really think she would enjoy it.  The best thing would be to get Hannah into the 8 week class, then do the Mommy and Me class with Addie the next session.  We'll see...

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