Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Quotes of the Week

Pick your words wisely :)

Hannah:  I'm going to wear that PJ top to school
Mommy: That's not a PJ top, that's a plain pink shirt
After the shirt is on
Hannah:  I can't see the plane.  Is it on the back?
Mommy:  oh, no.  there isn't a plane.  It's just a pretty pink shirt

Daddy's car broke down

Hannah:  PopPop didn't have a hammer
Mommy:  What did PopPop need a hammer for
Hannah:  To fix Daddy's car.  Now it has to go to the store

Pregnancy 101

Mommy:  You and Addie came out of Mommy's belly
Hannah:  Who's belly did Bailey come from?
Mommy: Bailey came from a mommy dog's belly
Hannah:  When I get older, Daddy's gonna come out of my belly

And the AWWW moment of the week

I was vacuuming, which scares Addie.  Normally I hold her while I'm vacuuming, but I was only doing it quickly to pick up a spill.  After I moved the vacuum into my bedroom (to not scare Addie because it's in the hall), I come into Hannah's room to check on Addie.  Addie is snuggling next to Hannah crying and Hannah is rubbing her back telling her it's OK. 

Would have been fabulous if I had the camera :)

Hardest Workout Ever (well at least in a long time)

Before I even start this, let me just say I can't stand laptops sometimes.  I just wrote this whole blog out and then my finger must have slipped and the whole thing disappeared.  Awesome. 

So, now onto the actual blog -

I recently started working out again and I've actually gotten a pretty good routine down.  Normally the girls are both asleep by 8:30 and I'm in the basement by 8:45pm.  Last night was raining and dark out, so I thought I would be able to put Hannah down a little early.  I got her down and then I got ready and was in the basement when I heard her yelling for me.  Normally I would put in the effort to keep her in her room and go to sleep.  But I knew if I did that, I wouldn't feel like working out after.  So I allowed her to come into the basement with me.

I set up a chair infront of the TV, thinking this would keep her occupied.  I was wrong (which is often the case with the kids, apparently we don't think the same way). 

Hannah ran, did lunges, girl push-ups, and squats all directly next to me.  Which doesn't really sound that bad, but when you are trying to concentrate on counting to 50, someone in your face asking your questions gets kind of tough. 

Our basement isn't finished, so the first batch of questions were about the basement - "what is the pole for" "why are there so many" "what's on the ceiling" "what do they do (pipes)".  Then I got on the treadmill "why is the mat moving" "what's up there (the time and distance clock)" "why do your knees go fast" "when is it my turn"

After about the 20th question, I asked her "Can you please go ask Daddy questions?"  Her reply "No, I'm a girl, I stay with you because you're a girl." 

But I did finish the work out :)

Monday, June 4, 2012

What have We Been Doing?

So while my original intention was to work on this blog weekly, I have already slowly been slipping.  I use to work on this blog at night, after the girls went to bed. 

See the problem with that, is that Day Light Savings Time kindly messed up that schedule.  The girls use to go to bed between 7-7:30, which gave me time to do general clean up and then do this one a week. 

Now bedtime has been pushed back to 8:30 for Hannah because she doesn't like to go to bed until it is dark out.  We actually debated about getting her darker curtains. 

But while this has pushed back my general routine so that I have no time between their bedtime and my bedtime, it does make our general playtime sooo much better.  Now when we get home from school/work, we can have dinner and then go outside to PLAY!  YEAH!

So I'm going to try to improve and get back in the swing of things...

Here are some things we've been up to:
  • I come downstairs from putting Addie's PJ's on and ask Hannah if she is done coloring.  Hannah says Yes.  I say, why don't we go put all your markers away.  Hannah says "today's a special day, I'm going to sleep in my clothes today."  No, you're still putting on PJ's, not that I know entirely what that has to do with putting your markers away
  • Kids 'professional' pictures are next weekend.  Hannah has been planning her outfit and decided that she has nice curls and wants to wear her hair down.
  • Addie is walking all over and up the stairs.  She is really into books and being outside (loves the swings) 
  • Hannah and Addie are actually starting to play together.  I'll come in the room and they'll be on Hannah's bed together playing/reading. 
  • Hannah is really starting to be a great big sister.  She'll rub Addie's back when Addie is crying and tell her everything is going to be OK. She also will help get anything out of Addie's room (sneakers, socks, toys, diapers, whatever). 
  • I say, "Hannah, I think that shirt's getting a little too small for you"  Hannah says "I know, but when it gets bigger, Daddy can wear it." 
  • Hannah is really into Boys vs Girls.  Meaning, all the girls go for walks together (Mommy, Hannah, Addie, and Bailey) and the boys (Daddy and Foster) go next.  Or all the girls stay upstairs together and the boys stay downstairs. 
And as a random side note, Call Me Maybe is on constant repeat in my head for weeks at a time. 

See you all next week!  I'll try to put pictures up (our computer crashed and Kodak Gallery was bought out to Shutterfly, so I'm a little behind on getting pictures downloaded)